
Operated by Rockingham Pilot Boat Charters,

Rockingham , Western Australia.

 “But swift as dreams, myself I found within the Pilots boat”  (Rime of the Ancient Mariner)

Hoist the sails and cruise the tranquil waters of Cockburn Sound on the stable gaff rigged pilot cutter “CHAMPION”

Encounter the wild bottlenose dolphins that frequently join us as we take you on a voyage of re-discovery to Captains Stirling’s 1st settlement site at Garden Island, or relax on our 2 hour cruise by way of RAN Stirling Naval Base and see warships and submarines at close quarters.

Evening wine cruises also available (BYO). Enjoy sailing into the sunset with soft music….maybe followed by dinner at one of our local waterfront restaurants.

Friendly crew and interesting commentary. Small groups (no crowds) - And no seasickness! ( we sail between the waves!!)

Bring a hat/sunglasses/camera and sun cream ( and your bathers for the 6 hour adventure)




Time table and Fare

Structure Feb –May 2002

All proposed sailing times and programs subject to change due to weather. Prior booking essential

2˝ Hour Ancient Mariner Cruise

10.00am and 1.00 pm. Weekdays

Fares    Adult                \$35.00

            Pensioners        \$30.00            (Sen. Disability)

            Children          \$18.00 (under 14)

            Family              \$95.00 (2 plus 2)

 2 Hour  Evening Wine Cruise (BYO)


Fares   Adult                \$30.00

            Pensioners        \$35.00            (Sen. Disability)

            Children          \$15.00 (under 14)

            Family              \$85.00 (2 plus 2)


6 Hours  Ancient Mariner


(A day to Remember!)


Fares    All Passengers \\$75.00

( Light lunch included)


Bookings-Telephone  Rockingham Pilot Boat Charters 0427772278 or The Anchorage Bed and Breakfast 95274214




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